Der blev tidligere lovet en udmelding fra IAU med udgangen af oktober omkring afholdelse af VM 24 timer. Det kunne man ikke overholde!

Seneste melding er fra IAU er nu:

We have been getting several inquiries on the dates and locations for Major IAU events 2014.

Please note that we are working on securing locations (and in turn dates) for the MIAUCs in 2014. We understand that this information is important for your own planning and training for these championships.

We want to absolutely confirm with the LOCs and interested bids before we can start contacting you with the pertinent information.

A lot of the details will eb available after our annual meeting in january. Please stay posted and contact us if you have further questions.

Jeg er frustreret. Men det er jo ingenting i forhold de løbere, som er tilknyttet ultralandsholdet. Med få starter i de lange løb, så er det jo nu, at årsplanen falder i hak.
